Make a Sew Good Bunting

There is something innately festive about a banner, garland, or bunting. The Sew Good fabric collection is a celebration of sewing, so it seems only fitting to make a celebratory bunting. You can use different fabric, a different message, and make yours as long or as short as you like!
Here I used the Sew Good pincushion print for the 9 fussy cut flags, embroidery for the 7 letter flags, the thread print for the backs of the flags, and Boundless fussy cut binding stripe for the hanging tape.
• First, make the flags. For the fussy cut flags, cut 9 rectangles at 3" x 3 1/2". For the letter flags, cut 7 rectangles at 3" x 3 1/2" from assorted solids. If you prefer, you can cut these a bit larger, embroider the letters, and then cut them to size. Cut 16 rectangles at 3" x 3 1/2" for the backs of the flags.
• Now, embroidery the letters. I marked mine out lightly with a pencil and then used a stem stitch to make the letters.
• Match each letter and fussy cut image with a backing rectangle and place them right sides together. Sew around the 2 sides and the bottom of each pair using a 1/4" seam allowance. Carefully clip the 2 sewn corners on each flag. Turn each flag right sides out through the top opening and press.
• To make the hanging tape, cut a 2 1/4" x 80" strip of fabric. (You may need to cut shorter lengths and piece them together.) Fold in half lengthwise with wrong sides together. Place the flags along the tape. Match the open side of each flag with the open side of the hanging tape, spacing the flags along the tape as you like.
• Sew the flags to the tape along the top side of the flags using a scant 1/4" seam allowance.
• Bring the folded edge of the tape back and over the raw edges, encasing the top of the flags and the raw edge of the tape. Sew the tape closed, close to the edge, over the flags. Tuck in the short ends and sew them closed.
• Hang up your bunting and celebrate!